Christmas Break Part 2 - PSALM Reunion, Hoyohoy, and Ozamiz

Picking up from where I left off on the first blog post, we arrived in Ozamiz City on December 27. The first PSALM reunion in several years was scheduled to be held December 28. The event was held at an oceanfront private park just north of Ozamiz. Several of the elders gave testimonies, a pledge was made to support PSALM house, and great food was enjoyed by all.

After the finish of the reunion we went with several from PSALM to enjoy Christmas Lights in Tangub, a spectacular assortment of buildings and landscapes decorated for the season. To top it off there was a train which traversed the festival.

The next morning, December 29, after a stop at Jollibee drive-thru for breakfast, we took an impromptu trip to Hoyohoy Adventure Park and Observation Deck in the hills in Tangub. After being finally convinced, we took to the zipline, touted as the longest zip line in all of Asia. Although it is technically two separate ziplines, it still had great views and certainly was a thrill as first time zipline rider. Margie had riden a zipline before, so she was much better prepared for the height and ins and outs of ziplining.


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